Artificial Bait Kind of Day
Took out the flats boat for a little scouting trip with a good friend of mine yesterday and to say the least we did quit well. I love to fish out of the 18ft Action Craft. It provides a great combination of shallow draft, smooth ride and a great fishing platform. The am we focused mainly on red fish with a slow incoming tide and crystal clear water we used the shallow draft ability of the boat to work our way back into the creeks. We found plenty of 17-20 redfish staged on small oyster bars and they were hungry. We simply caught reds everywhere we stopped and it was great nonstop action until lunch time.
Ran to local marina to grab some lunch and discuss our strategy for the afternoon outgoing tide. My bud said he caught enough reds and wanted to focus on trout….and that is exactly what we did. His first cast landed a 4 pounder on our first stop. We hit 3 spots in the afternoon and caught trout in everyone of them. Mixed in with a few blackdrum and sheepshead it was truly an epic bite. The last spot we hit in the afternoon turned out to be the best and we caught trout on jigs baited with gulp baits until we both had enough. We stop counting for the day at 80 fish but i am sure we went over a hundred as we caught fish on every cast for 2 hours at one point. Great day and certainly one for the record books.
Book your trip now on the 18ft action craft and come enjoy some of this great action before its over!